Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Staffing Infection

There are articles constantly concerning the loss of jobs, the termination of positions, mass cutbacks of companies so we end up with a problem in that there are no jobs. That’s what many sensationalized articles want you, the reader to believe, so you’ll stay enthralled and see what happens next. Just how bad are thing? We better pick up that same newspaper, or read that same internet news page so we know just how bad off we are.

The truth seems to be that ‘yes’ there are less jobs than there used to be and depending on where in the country you are it might be a huge difference or maybe just something you notice because somebody you know is dealing with it.

Obama himself is a realist in that the economy seems to have stabilized, where as others see the current situation as an upswing, that there are more jobs coming and spending is up. They are both right given what parameters they are using for their points.

The staffing infection as I am calling it deals with the fact that there are companies hiring and yet there are issues. There are mortgage, banking, loan officer, cleaning, caretaking jobs opening up right now to deal with the houses that have been refinanced or the ones that the banks are trying to get refinanced, whether it’s to the same people or new ones.

The problem comes in that the staffing agencies that were handling all the jobs are relegated to handling all of what is available right now and that is still a lower amount that were available 6 to 12 months ago. People looking for work are being hustled by staffing agencies whether it’s because the companies don’t want to pay the accurate wage for these jobs and so the staffing agency is trying to pull the used car card “we’ll see what we can do” or they are all trying to get one person into that ones group of jobs they have.

Let’s say “A Fake Bank-AFB” is hiring for loan officers and processors so they contact all the local agencies to try to get people who can do the work. Agency “Not Your Friend-NYF” gets a contract and agency “We Want Money-WWM” also receives a deal to try to get people in their doors. You are signed up with both looking for work and you have past experience so you are a great candidate.

NYF calls you and says they have a great deal and even though your last job paid $18 an hour they can get you a job for 2 months at $13 with AFB. You tell them that is just a little too low so they tell you they can work on it and they think they can get you $15, right no with the economy that is the best they can do….(wink wink)

WWM contacts you too, they have an interview at some bank (actually also AFB-but they can’t tell you) and when you discuss you wage requirements they tell you it’s $14 but it might go up and it’s a 6 month minimum assignment.

They both schedule interviews for you, one chooses to phone screen first the other sets up a Saturday appointment. The phone screen happens but they tell you it’s an undetermined amount of time. The Saturday appointment cancels even though they swore they needed someone by Monday.

So why would they cancel these if they need help so bad. When you call the temp agencies back they give you the run around on we didn’t know, we will have to reschedule, they have cancelled or postponed the assignment for now….so many excuses so little time.

The fact is they had way too many applicants and they flooded the positions. The agencies are just trying to make themselves money and so when the bank gave them three positions they set 25 people up with interviews so make sure someone from theirs got the job.

They told the clients that were hired they would get $12 an hour, they get the contract fees, the hourly appreciation fees and hide the extra $2 an hour that they told the bank they were paying the employees. This is not to say that all of them are crooked and maybe they are doing things as legitimately as possible but the fact is they are fearing for their jobs too because they read the same articles about employment opportunities being down and they are worried.

Even in a crunch the right thing to do is still the right thing to do, don’t let the infection of fear cause you to make bad choices or treat someone else the wrong way.

Find an agency you trust and work with them, they will get the right things together and get you what they can honestly. Be honest with them and be flexible as much as you can and give them the guidelines and boundaries you need. That way, things should work out for everybody instead of problems with every verbal transaction that is made.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Looking for deals

With the ever shrinking money of the banks, the failing businesses and tight accounting business owners a lot of people are holding on to the money they have, but for those who are willing to spend it there are good deals to be found almost everywhere.

Home mortgage rates are low again but unless you have the credit and money down it’s still not a lock, even though the house prices may have dropped to more reasonable amounts. Foreclosures are also easy to be found lately but you need the money up front and that presents a problem for many as well.

Another place for great deals is buying a car these days because dealers are doing whatever they can to unload their inventory but it still requires great credit, money down and having a vehicle that you are not upside down on if you are trading it in.

There is hope though and in it’s usually with the things that you want but don’t have to give up the family’s nest egg for, should you still have one. There are deals to be found on everything from shipping, to mp3 players to plasma big screens to cleaning services.

Shipping volumes are down right now so you can find and make deals. This is not the postal service, FedEx down or the local UPS carrier. When you send your great aunt a homemade cookbook, they still charge regular rates with regular costs. However the transportation companies can give spot quotes, special deals on back haul lanes or try to work out a discount for you to fill their trailers. Should your eccentric uncle Ernie from across the country ask you to help send him some antique cast iron stove he won at an online auction in your neck of the woods, contact the local freight carriers and see what they can do for you, maybe the old coot will give you a finders fee for your help.

Have you wanted to hire a maid to help you get that house clean once a month? Call the local services and see how booked they are and what the best rate they can give you is. Chances are they hire out to local contractors or have staff that only works when there are jobs, so getting any revenue coming in helps their company, their employees and the better deals help you feel fresh in your newly cleaned house.

Let’s say you’ve been waiting to buy a digital camera or MP3 player and even though you aren’t too picky about all the features or brand you just haven’t found what you are looking for at the right price. Check out the going out of business sales.

In years gone by these were often fakes where stores would advertise final liquidation or going out of business, everything must go and then a month later they were still there and the savings were gone as well as the sales merchandise, replaced by the new stuff. You might have gotten an ok deal but a lot of times they were a disappointment and a waste of your time.

These days there are a lot of actual going out of business sales and the closer to the last days you can wait the better deals you get, although you risk not having much to choose from.

Circuit City is just such a place at the moment. Through research I found out they are all owned by separate liquidation companies which means their final days and final prices vary. Recently I had a friend who had been searching for a digital camera. He had been asking me for help and been looking for months, nothing ever met all of what he needed at the price he wanted. I sent him to the local Circuit City and now he has two cameras of reputable brands for less than the price of one, they were 70% off, and it turns out he needed two MP3 players as well, also 70% off.

It’s worth looking locally these days. Find out what stores or businesses are really hurting and walk in, don’t just browse online. They have a lot of clearance stuff that isn’t listed due to limited quantities or availability in certain stores only. You might find just what you are looking for or maybe just something that is close enough but for the price it is worth it.

It’s a buyers market right now for anyone with money that is willing to spend it. If this is you, than use that power you have.

So how did we ever do this before?

This is a question that you can put towards just about any service, sales event, and personal record keeping or even conversing. We often take these machines for granted and most of the time that is just fine but when something goes wrong our whole life collapses with the disappearance of those needed documents, connections or processes.

Computers function in a way that makes so many things so much easier. They store years of data, sometimes decades worth in a device the size of you thumb-something that used to be on easily destroyed paper and would take many rooms to store and many hours to access should you need to find something.

It used to be a family’s vacation photos were stored on slides, hopefully somewhere deep in a closet, where they wouldn’t be removed until someone was bad and needed to be punished. Now we can pull up one of thousands of photos from a file or just some random location within the electronic box. Or better yet take them on a cd or flash drive and all thee million photos are right there with you when you want to show someone or just for the heck of it make a calendar.

We are so used to seeing computers that we often don’t realize just all of where they are. Every cash register is now a computer, every bank transaction is now controlled or monitored by a computer, we are constantly be surveyed by computer controlled ad recorded security cameras and recorded on to a memory card somewhere for instant recovery should ant wrong doing be discovered that the computer ran security system at the doors didn’t catch.

Even getting out into the world these days is a computer controlled task as your car monitors things through a mass array of electronics, the stop lights are now electronically controlled and those traffic warning signs also are run by a computer from a far away location as the electronic information is fed in by computer monitored and controlled traffic cameras, that surprise, are using electronic storage-film is no longer a viable medium.

What does this all mean to us as dwellers of this century? We need reliable computer systems, fast acting systems as they talk to each other and run valuable information back and forth to keep the world running smoothly, or in some cases it wouldn’t run at all.

The receiver, the sender and all the pathways in between need to work, stay established and transfer everything as we move ahead through our day. We buy our cup of coffee, fill up our car with gas, on the way to the drive thru bank all the while with our car running smoothly and our cell phone beeping with the new message we got and a text message that someone typed and sent from their mobile electronic device. Every one of these things requires the computers and connections to work perfectly, quickly and securely.

If it was a transaction supported by Biznasium Inc. and its partners you would be dealing with the best possible companies in each of these areas. Your transaction would be fast-we offer the highest speeds available through all areas and situations. Your transaction would be safe as we rely on the most heavily fortified and secure systems for storage and transfer.

Best of all-we would do it at the regular coffee price, not over charged and over hyped by trendy settings and an egotistical attitude and we taste better at the same time by use of the best ingredients and mixed perfectly.

So how did we ever do this before?

This is a question that you can put towards just about any service, sales event, and personal record keeping or even conversing. We often take these machines for granted and most of the time that is just fine but when something goes wrong our whole life collapses with the disappearance of those needed documents, connections or processes.

Computers function in a way that makes so many things so much easier. They store years of data, sometimes decades worth in a device the size of you thumb-something that used to be on easily destroyed paper and would take many rooms to store and many hours to access should you need to find something.

It used to be a family’s vacation photos were stored on slides, hopefully somewhere deep in a closet, where they wouldn’t be removed until someone was bad and needed to be punished. Now we can pull up one of thousands of photos from a file or just some random location within the electronic box. Or better yet take them on a cd or flash drive and all thee million photos are right there with you when you want to show someone or just for the heck of it make a calendar.

We are so used to seeing computers that we often don’t realize just all of where they are. Every cash register is now a computer, every bank transaction is now controlled or monitored by a computer, we are constantly be surveyed by computer controlled ad recorded security cameras and recorded on to a memory card somewhere for instant recovery should ant wrong doing be discovered that the computer ran security system at the doors didn’t catch.

Even getting out into the world these days is a computer controlled task as your car monitors things through a mass array of electronics, the stop lights are now electronically controlled and those traffic warning signs also are run by a computer from a far away location as the electronic information is fed in by computer monitored and controlled traffic cameras, that surprise, are using electronic storage-film is no longer a viable medium.

What does this all mean to us as dwellers of this century? We need reliable computer systems, fast acting systems as they talk to each other and run valuable information back and forth to keep the world running smoothly, or in some cases it wouldn’t run at all.

The receiver, the sender and all the pathways in between need to work, stay established and transfer everything as we move ahead through our day. We buy our cup of coffee, fill up our car with gas, on the way to the drive thru bank all the while with our car running smoothly and our cell phone beeping with the new message we got and a text message that someone typed and sent from their mobile electronic device. Every one of these things requires the computers and connections to work perfectly, quickly and securely.

If it was a transaction supported by Biznasium Inc. and its partners you would be dealing with the best possible companies in each of these areas. Your transaction would be fast-we offer the highest speeds available through all areas and situations. Your transaction would be safe as we rely on the most heavily fortified and secure systems for storage and transfer.

Best of all-we would do it at the regular coffee price, not over charged and over hyped by trendy settings and an egotistical attitude and we taste better at the same time by use of the best ingredients and mixed perfectly.

How’s the economy really doing?

Looking somewhere that shows the truth

I once saw a t-shirt that said something like “if you enjoyed shopping today…thank a trucker”. At the time I thought of it as just a funny saying but as more time has passed and I have started to pay more attention to what the economy is doing I see some hidden information in what that shirt said.

Many people watch the stock markets, the broker’s movements, real estate trends but in all honesty the transportation industry gives a more accurate representation of what the economy is doing.

The simple fact is that every piece of anything you have bought or will buy at a store was at one point on a delivery truck or semi-trailer. They deliver it from manufacturers, from wholesalers, warehouses or from anywhere else these things come from to where you buy it.

You can’t see what’s on the trucks but you have seen them on the highway and in business districts. Many times the bigger companies use their own trucks and trailers, McDonald’s, Wal-Mart, Winco, Safeway, all using trailers plastered with ads for their own products. These ones belong to the company, so if the company is doing well you see more of their trucks, if not, then less trucks. The problem with that is that it’s subjective in that maybe it seems there are more or less but if they changes their schedules or delivery times it would also appear this way.

The ones that show the true view of the economy are the carriers that work just as carriers. You have probably seen these off an on but never really given it much thought as they drive past on the highway or in your neighborhoods.

Carriers like Conway, Estes, Oak Harbor, Gordon and even some more familiar names like FedEx or UPS all rent the space in their trailers as they haul good back and forth across the country and to and from ports where the freight travels overseas. What is in these trailers and how much of that trailer is full is a true tale to just how business it doing because it contains retail items, manufactured or raw products and necessities that aren’t delivered through a companies own trailers.

These domestic carriers are working in an industry that right now is 30-40% over capacity in space available. This means that there is 30-40% of these trailers that are empty or not being used along with the trucks that pull them and the drivers who drive them and the dock workers who load them. There is 30-40% too little freight for these carriers and that means they have 30-40% too much overhead in equipment and staff as an industry. This is why these carriers are having a hard time right now, and truth be told it is across the board for all levels of transportation and that means that 30-40% of this business is hurting the companies.

Large and profitable carriers are still available and still out there. Conway Freight is still performing well but after measures to ‘streamline’ their business practices and the use of space, tools and equipment. Roadway and Yellow have merged into/through YRC Wolrdwide and that means they have the equipment, locations and costs of two carriers but only enough business for one. Many believe this is leading to a slow death and their banks seem to agree. They have been granted a reprieve through their banks wanting some income as opposed to none if they just let them close down right now.

FedEx and UPS will weather the storm of slow retail and transportation needs and their diversity allows them to continue to profit in other ways, with small packages and in the cases of the FedEx/Kinkos centers through paper, printing and other services available.

Many people are aware of the movie and books based on ‘Twilight’ as it became a very consistent retail and merchandising vehicle. Many have seen the DVD in stores, whether Wal-mart, Target or some other retailer. Those displays, DVDs, books and all the associated merchandise all came via truck. That means that these trucks will continue to travel the highways and city streets even if freight levels are low because staying in business means still delivering these goods and these types of things are constantly being released, displayed and sold through.

So how does one see inside the trucks so to speak? Watch the stocks on these companies and look for news articles on closures, terminal expansions or downsizing, and look for the companies that are soaring or adding new components. In this market few will be expanding but look for the ones that remain steady and how steady they stay.

DHL pulled out of it’s domestic united states delivery services due to not seeing enough market share available and that was at the very start of these recent issues. They got lucky in that regard.

FedEx and UPS will not go away and I am sure their service is compromised very little but at the same time they have laid off people in the thousands and trimmed some shipping lanes and limited hours at various locations. Other companies prefer to call it streamlining as they close certain location and limit travel to areas that previously had little consistent action or a high cost to income potential.

Wages have been cut between 5 and 10 percent at most carriers through company mandate and other benefits such as 401k matching or health benefit have been compromised or downgraded. What this says is that these companies are trying to survive the financial storm, what the truth comes to is that it requires drastic measures and that means the whole circle of money coming in and going out is slowed just like the rest of our economy.

Take the wellness of the transportation industry with a grain of salt though because there is often transfer of accounts from one company to the next and from corporate owned to freight only changes so it’s never black and white-much like anything else.

Watch the stocks, watch the news and look around at your local areas. The truth is out there even though it might be really hard to tell what is truth, what is opinion and what is ‘streamlining’ it might be worth your time and money to do so.